Do You Really Have Their Attention?

by Dec 23, 2020News0 comments

Perhaps the first question should be, “Have I got your attention?”  There are 29 reasons why I should have it.

We live in a world of information overload.  Are you getting people to notice you and pay attention to your message?  Are you relevant in your target market?  Are you speaking to them in a way they know and understand? Are you solving their unique problem?  Do they know you can solve their problem?

Half the battle today is to get the right people to focus for 30 seconds on what you are trying to communicate.  That’s really all you have – 30 seconds, which is generous by many standards. Think about the distractions we tolerate daily that did not exist five years ago. 

Go ahead, sit down at your computer and try to focus on one task for the next 60 minutes without any interruptions.

I bet you can’t! The bottom line is this: it has become more difficult to get the right people’s attention. There are just too many distractions to deal with on a daily basis.  So how do you get the right people to stop and listen to what you have to say?  How do you get them to pay attention to you and not the other choices available to them?  How do you get them to believe what you say is the truth and that they can trust you?  The relationship marketing foundation has always been about knowing, liking and trusting people to find, get and keep customers.  It is more important today and here is why. 

So what one thing could you do right now to have your target market believe you can and will do what you say? 

Is there something you offer that could be provided like a “test drive” of your expertise?  Do you have a detailed report, a unique portfolio, or could you create one allowing them to get to better know you and your style?  Could you then offer an ironclad guarantee to remove any doubt your client may have?  Does it boldly communicate your commitment to them?  Will this guarantee that you offer make you a little nervous?  It’s a good thing if it does.  It means you are going to do it right the first time! They will understand that too.  Are you starting to see the benefit of this approach and outcome?  The bottom line:  in this market you must stand out quickly and deliver on the promise.

The future of your business depends on how you can provide the assurance you are the only choice for your customer to make. That’s it.  Devoting time to this strategy is meaningful and your customers will be thankful as well.  Here are 29 additional strategies that could serve you well in the months ahead.  I urge to give them good review. You might note some low-lying fruit.  What strategies might work for you?  Print off this page, pick a couple strategies, mark a check next to your choices and add these to your bottom line today.

  • Under- promise and over-deliver
  • Maintain database of customers
  • Keep in contact every 90 days
  • Inform all customers of all product lines
  • Consistent delivery of service
  • Consistent product
  • Newsletters
  • Start member/VIP group
  • Define customer “magic moment”
  • Regular upgrades
  • Offer service contracts
  • Closed door sales
  • Product of the month
  • Ask them to come back
  • Contracts
  • Book next visit now
  • Offer on their next purchase
  • Referral rewards
  • Accept trade-ins
  • Offer in-store credit
  • Scheduled post-purchase follow-ups
  • Birthday/Holiday cards
  • Become their ally/friend
  • Labels, magnets and stickers
  • Surveys
  • Catalogues
  • New product trials/info
  • Promotional gifts with company name
  • Shop competitors
  • On-hold message

If you would like guidance and assistance implementing a more robust customer acquisition and retainage strategy, reach out to me today. Contact me to help improve your overall results in your business every day!

I Bet You Can!
Jeffrey A. Rogers, CPBC